Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling the love...

I really can not believe that it has almost been two weeks since we have revieved "the call".
In some ways it feels like it was yesterday.
In other ways, his face feels like home. Like we have known in all out lives.

I don't ever want to forget that day and I want Tate to know how special it was. Not only for us, but so many people who have been praying and waiting with us.
After we received the call and Brian and I had some time to process it all, we could not wait for our family to see his face! We invited everyone up to "unveil" Baby Tate. I proboblay made it a little dramatic but give me a break! I have been waiting for this day for 8 months! :)

Unfortunately, my dad out of town and could not make it. So we decided to e-mail him and my mom the pictures at the same time. I had this vision of them both receiving the email at the same time and opening to see their first grandchild's face. Well, we were having some email trouble because the file was so big. We spent about 15 minutes trying to get it right. Finally my dad received the e-mail and opened it. So he begins gushing over all the pics while my mom my mom is about to cry listening to him because she can't open hers. It was quit anti-climactic and stressful but pretty funny!
The rest of the family came up to meet their newest grandson, nephew, and cousin.
The girls anxiously waiting for everyone to arrive
After the slide show (yes, I made a slide show:)), we had pictures printed off and passed them around.
Funny thing, Walgreen's made a mistake and accidentally printed off 998 8x10's . The stack was HUGE. Too bad they were only going to discount the extra prints $0.50 each.
I am sure that everyone we know wants an 8X10 of Tate in their living room...right?:)
Our call occurred on a Wednesday and we were fortunate enough to have some of our friends from church come over after class to see our little guys. I can not tell you how great it is to have such a supportive church family! We really love these guys and are so thankful Tate will have them to spoil him!
It was really hard to go back to work the next day. But I could not wait to share the pictures with my wonderful co-workers. I arrived to find my office all decked out! It was so great!

Between the visits, text messages, blog comments, facebook messages and calls, we felt so blessed and loved! Thank you all!

Tate- I want you to know how much you are wanted and loved.
Not only by your mom and dad. So many people are praying for you and anticipating your arrival. I think we have enough babysitting offers to get you through college. :)
June 16th 2010 will forever be a special day for us.
We are so thankful so many got to share it with us!
You are one loved little guy!

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