Monday, December 15, 2008
Thanks again Kelly! I think The design is so cute!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
50 foot Banana Split!!
In other news we are officially homeless! I think we are beginning to wear out our welcome. :) I woke up yesterday morning with post its on door from my mom telling me to lock the door and feed the dogs. Not to mentioned i parked behind my mom one morning and as she was leaving for work she didn't see my car and almost backed up into it! Oops! Good thing they love Brian! We may be looking for a new place to stay soon! Anyone have any room!:)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Florida, packing, and bunnies
That's right folks! Our house has sold! It actually happened when we were in Florida of course! The buyer wanted to close in 2 weeks so we had to pack fast. We were suppose to close yesterday, but something happened with the appraisal and know hopefully it will happen Tuesday. I hope it happens. We have already moved all of our big stuff to storage and are staying with my parents. Please pray that the appraisal goes through and we can close next week!
I'm actually kind of sad leaving our little house. We've been there for 3 years and have made so many wonderful memories. I'm excited about finding a new house that will be better for entertaining, but I just don't like the thought of someone else living in my house! I must admit, I've teared up a few times! We are staring to look at house though and we are very pumped! We are ready to have you all over in a house that more than 5 people can be in the living room!:)
So, as I said, we are staying with my parents until we find that dream house with 4 bedrooms, updateed kitchen, gigantic living room, study, huge backyard, lots of trees, all within our price range. Oh, and Brian would want me to add a pond with lots of fish. I think we ma have to compromise on a few of these!:) Anyways, so last night at my parents we looked about and saw our dog Louie carrying something in his mouth. I, of course thought it was a mouse and freaked. (BTW I absolutely HATE mice, hamsters, rats or anything that looks like them.) Well Brian went out and saw that it was actually a baby rabbit! So cute! Thought I would include some pictures.
So, I promise I am going to be better about blogging! Stay tuned! Oh, and I am planning on getting with my friend Kelly and having her help me with a new design. (I know this is a surprise to you Kelly but that is what you get for designing cute blogs!:) )
Monday, June 30, 2008
What a week!
Brian and his mustache. He thought this was funny, I thought it was disturbing!:)
So this pic cracks me up! I was messing with my phone and didn't know it took a picture of me! :) I just had to share!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hondo, Dog bites, and Miss Teen USA
This is a little random, but that is just the way I am. Notice in the last paragraph I used the phrase "such as". This is a phrase that is so hysterical to me and Brian. Sometimes we just throw it into our speaking followed by random thoughts just to make us laugh. Confused? Check out the video and see if you remember the reference! Just wanted to throw it in for a good laugh.
Hope you guys have a great weekend and father's day!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wal-mart, Fashion, and Shaved heads
Oh Brian! Wash those feet!
This is what I call my 'already washed my face, brushed my teeth, it' 10:30' look! Notice the big shoes!
Brian and the crew arrived in Hondo safely this afternoon. After a 6 hour school bus ride to the place where they are staying they are beat! I just talked to Brian and they just got some dinner at the mall and are headed back to Baxter for a devo and some rest. Keep praying for them! I took some pics of Brian for a before and after. He decided last night to completely shave his head. It will be interesting to see the after!
The wizard! (inside joke for you oakcrest youth!)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Prayer Requests
Also our nephew Jace is getting tubes in his ears this afternoon. Pray that everything goes smoothly.
One last request. Some friends of ours John and Angie Ricketts have recently lost one of their twins. Angie was a little over 20 weeks along. Please pray for comfort for them and their family. I really can't imagine what they are going through. Pray that God watches over the other baby and Angie and that the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
4th Anniversary!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Where's a camera cord when you need it!
We have had a busy couple of weeks and things don't look to be getting any better until September! We had our girls sleepover/timothy class camput last weekend and had a great time. I have some great pics from the girls camping night at the Pendergrafts. I'll share later. ( And a big shout out goes to Laura and Susan who really did so much! It was great!!)
Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!!!! My little sis turn 24 today! Yay! She is just such a strong and hard working person and she deserves the best day ever! We love you Lauren!
Please keeping praying for our youth team and Brian as they prepare to leave for Honduras in one week!!!!
Check back tonight. I am really going on a mission for the camera cord!!!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008

We really do love our little house and the past 3 years here have been great and I know I'm gaonna cry when we leave. We are really just ready for a little bigger living room for friends, family, and the youth. We have honestly crammed about 40 people in our house and it was not pretty! We'll keep ya updated!!!